You’re Special( Unknown Author)

You’re Special
In all the world there is nobody like you. Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like you. Nobody has your smile, nobody has your eyes, your nose, your hair, your hands, or your voice. You’re special.

No one sees things just as you do. In all of time there has been no one who laughs like you, no one who cries like you. What makes you laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughter or tears in anyone else, ever!

You are the only one in God’s creation with your set of natural abilities. There will always be some one who is better at one of the things you are good at, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of your combination of talents, ideas, natural abilities and spiritual abilities. Like  a room full of musical instruments, some may excel alone but none can match the symphony sound of the Body of Christ when all are played together because God set the members, every one of them in the Body as it has pleased Him.

Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do exactly like you. You’re special. You’re rare. As in all rarity there is great value. Because of your great rare value you need not attempt to imitate others. You should accept ….Yes celebrate ……your differences! You’re special! Continue to realize that it is no accident that you are special. Continue to see that God created you for a special purpose. He called you and ordained you to  a calling that no one else can do as well as you. Out of the billions of applicants only one is qualified, only one has the best combination of what it takes. Just as surely as every snow flake that falls has a perfect design and no two designs are the same, so within the Body of Christ also! No two believers are the same and without each member the Body would be lacking and God’s plan would be incomplete. Ask the Father to teach His divine plan for your life and that will stand forth revealed to you as it should, unfolding in perfect sequence and perfect order in such a way  as to bring forth the  greatest glory to His name.
Because  You   Are  Special

One thought on “You’re Special( Unknown Author)”

  1. A beautiful blog, but then I didn’t expect it not to be. I knew it would be Super. Love you, Brother. Thanks.
    Sister Sue

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